A new proposal has been inserted to Kilopi D.A.O. Here is the full proposal content; ( 11.10.2022 )

Kilopi project has a very simple staking system on Tron Blockchain and it will be turned off on December 31th of 2022 since the project is migrating from Tron to Harmony. So, a new staking system should be implemented to Harmony blockchain carefully. Please see the details of this proposal regarding the new staking system.
Problems about staking systems

1- Supply Control: Generally, staking systems are providing high interest rates to take attention. But taking attention for short-term brings value loses at long term. To not to lose control at long-term to an automatic staking system, interest-rate of the staking system should be less than %10 per year.

2- Staking lock periods: Staking lock periods differ from project to project. Short lock periods are not offering enough benefits while the long lock periods are producing wallet and hope loses for the project. Lock periods should be adjusted carefully at an average middle-terms.

3- Unstaking Periods: Generally, staking systems have some certain unstaking periods. These periods are here to provide security checks and price control, but they are extremely boring for the stakers. These unstaking periods are important obstacles which are making some crypto users to stay away from staking systems.

4- Unlimited Staking: Unlimited staking possibility is one of the factors which is destroying the crypto project economics. Once a very large whale sits on a huge amount of staking portion, it is dominating the project with decreasing the interest of new people for the project.

Solution and Progress offer:

Considering the current situation of the project, a good staking system should be prepared as soon as possible. To be sure about the supply control in a good balance, yearly interest rate should be around %3. There should not be an unstaking period, users should be able to take back their tokens whenever they want. Staking lock periods should be around 6 months. Staking should have minimum and maximum limits. Even if there are some large whales, the system should force them to create many multiple accounts to integrate. So, as a result, please see the exact staking system offer below;

Staking option 1:
Minimum Limit: 1.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit:,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 6 months
Interest Rate: %1

Staking option 2:
Minimum Limit: 500.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 500.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 12 months
Interest Rate: %3

Staking option 3:
Minimum Limit: 300.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 300.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 18 months
Interest Rate: %6

Staking option 4:
Minimum Limit: 200.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 200.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 24 months
Interest Rate: %10

Staking option 5:
Minimum Limit: 100.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 100.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 30 months
Interest Rate: %15

Staking option 6:
Minimum Limit: 50.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 50.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 36 months
Interest Rate: %21

Staking option 7:
Minimum Limit: 40.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 40.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 42 months
Interest Rate: %28

Staking option 8:
Minimum Limit: 20.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 20.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 48 months
Interest Rate: %36

Staking option 9:
Minimum Limit: 10.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 10.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 54 months
Interest Rate: %45

Staking option 10:
Minimum Limit: 9.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 5.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 60 months
Interest Rate: %55

Staking option 11:
Minimum Limit: 8.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 2.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 66 months
Interest Rate: %66

Staking option 12:
Minimum Limit: 7.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 1.000.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 72 months
Interest Rate: %78

Staking option 13:
Minimum Limit: 6.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 800.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 78 months
Interest Rate: %91

Staking option 14:
Minimum Limit: 5.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 500.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 84 months
Interest Rate: %105

Staking option 15:
Minimum Limit: 4.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 400.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 90 months
Interest Rate: %120

Staking option 16:
Minimum Limit: 3.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 300.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 96 months
Interest Rate: %136

Staking option 17:
Minimum Limit: 2.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 200.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 102 months
Interest Rate: %153

Staking option 18:
Minimum Limit: 1.000,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 100.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 108 months
Interest Rate: %171

Staking option 19:
Minimum Limit: 500,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 50.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 114 months
Interest Rate: %190

Staking option 20:
Minimum Limit: 300,00 LOP tokens
Maximum Limit: 30.000,00 LOP tokens
Lock Duration: 120 months
Interest Rate: %210