Kilopi FAQs

What is Kilopi ?
Kilopi is a tokenized ecosystem where the sustainable web3 applications are being developed by the organic team and community.
What does "tokenized ecosystem" mean ?
It means that the project has many applications and all of them have functions which use the token of the project.
What does "sustainable web3 applications" mean ?
It means that the applications are web3 based, the crucial data of these applications are being stored and managed by blockchain technology. Also, these applications are sustainable, they are not focused for short-term-trend-based solutions, they are focused for long-term-sustainable solutions.
What does "organic community" mean ?
It means that the project is not involving any kind of fake attempts. Everything is ongoing organically and the community is growing naturally.
What is a D.A.O ?
D.A.O is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization where there is no central authority.
What is Kilopi D.A.O ?
Kilopi D.A.O is the main structure where the decisions are taken. It consists of all community channels, like Telegram, Twitter, Youtube and it has a core web3 application where the community can propose and comment.
What is the purpose of the Kilopi D.A.O ?
The purpose of the Kilopi D.A.O is to build a fair and sustainable decentralized autonomous organization to build sustainable decentralized applications on blockchains.
How can i involve to Kilopi D.A.O ?
You can help the project’s development by using the exchanges under the ecosystem link and purchasing some LOP tokens. Following the purchase of the tokens, you can propose and comment on the Kilopi D.A.O dApplication which you can find the link on the website. Also, without purchasing tokens, you can share your ideas on Youtube, Twitter and Telegram groups of the project. You can find their links on the website as well.
What is the role of the LOP token in Kilopi D.A.O ?
All processes in Kilopi D.A.O require LOP tokens to make the system sustainable and to avoid the flooding. You can take your tokens back from the D.A.O dApplication after a month without any fees.
How many total dApps will Kilopi project have ?
It is unlimited. The main team will start a new one everytime a dApp development finalizes.
Where can i find all the current dApps ?
All dApps are located inside of the flow chart on the main website.
Can I stake my LOP tokens ?
Yes, there are many staking options. You can find them on the website, named as "Collector"
Does Kilopi project have any web3 gaming products ?
Yes, you can find them on the website. Their names are Skallia, MoM and Recall.
What is the maximum supply of LOP tokens ?
It is,00 ( 5 Billion ) It may decrease but it can not increase.
Which blockchain is the Kilopi project's LOP token on ?
Mainly Harmony blockchain. The token is on some other blockchains as well, like Binance Smart Chain etc. But the total supply is not increasing and the applications are being developed on Harmony blockchain. The purpose of the other blockchains is to reach wider audience and to produce back-up liquidities.
Is there an exit plan from the project ?
No, there is no exit plan from the Kilopi project. The main plan is to develop the project for 30 years from 2023 and keep it alive with new generations.
I have another question !
Please send an email to [email protected] We will reply back as soon as possible.